T.U.F.F. Puppy is an American animated television series created by Butch Hartman for Nickelodeon. It premiered on October 2, 2010 on Nickelodeon along with Planet Sheen. T.U.F.F. Puppy is Butch Hartman's third animated series for Nickelodeon, after The Fairly OddParents (2001–present) and Danny Phantom (2004–2007). In early 2011, the series was renewed for a second season and premiered on December 10, 2011. The first season contained 20 episodes and seasons 2 and 3 are scheduled for the same.
Ultimate Nickelodeon Brawl Stars[]
Dudley Puppy and Kitty Katswell both appear as playable characters in Ultimate Nickelodeon Brawl Stars X. Together they represent their show. They both were probably sent out by T.U.F.F. to do some spy work on the ghosts that have been appearing everywhere.
Kitty has two special costumes. The first one is her in her Karate outfit from the episode "Purr-fect Partners". The second one is her Queen of Disco Fever costume from "Mom-A-Geddon".
Super Brawl[]
Dudley Puppy and Kitty Katswell both appeared in Super Brawl 2 as playable characters. However they were removed in Super Brawl 3. There also were two stages for the show; Petropolis and T.U.F.F. Headquarters.
Nicktoons MLB[]
Dudley and Kitty also both appeared as playable characters in Nicktoons MLB.