Rocko's Modern Life is an American animated series created by Joe Murray. The show aired for four seasons between 1993 and 1996 on Nickelodeon. Rocko's Modern Life is based around the surreal, parodic adventures of an anthropomorphic, Australian-immigrant wallaby named Rocko, and his new life in the city of O-Town. The show explores his American life as well as the lives of his friends: the gluttonous steer Heffer, the neurotic turtle Filburt, and Rocko's faithful dog, Spunky. The show is laden with adult humor, including double entendres, innuendos, and satirical social commentary.
Joe Murray initially created the title character for an unpublished comic book series in the late 1980s, and later reluctantly pitched the series to Nickelodeon, who were looking for edgier cartoonists for their new Nicktoons block. The network gave the staff a large amount of creative freedom, the writers targeting both children and adults. The show's animation stylistically features crooked architecture. In addition, Murray picked many newcomer voice actors, such as Tom Kenny and Carlos Alazraqui, who have in recent years gone on to become very popular. The show was the fourth Nicktoon to premiere. Kenny described the show's impact in an interview, saying, "Rocko's Modern Life was just one of those shows that were the first break for a lot of people who went on to do other stuff in the business."
Produced by Games Animation and Joe Murray Productions, the show premiered on September 18, 1993 and ended on November 24, 1996 with reruns until mid-2000. After the show's completion, much of the staff regrouped to work on SpongeBob SquarePants, created by producer Stephen Hillenburg. Rocko's Modern Life generally received positive reviews during its original broadcast run and in recent years has seen renewed praise for sophisticated and subversive humor.
Nicktoons: Attack of the Toybots[]
Rocko appears as a Master Model in both the console and handheld version of Nicktoons: Attack of the Toybots. However in the console version he also was a playable when his Master Model was collected. He uses a toothbrush to attack with and his special outfit is him as a Pelgrim.
Ultimate Nickelodeon Brawl Stars X[]
Dr. Hutchison and Really Really Big Man both appear as playable characters in Ultimate Nickelodeon Brawl Stars X. Dr. Hutchison is said to compete in the story because everyone in O-Town have fallen sick and she wants to cure them. Really Really Big Man presumely has the same goal as her.
Rocko appears as a DLC character in the game and makes use of his jackhammer. He first appeared in the "Days of the Future Past" art and was the only one who didn't have information about him at his picture.
Really Really Big Man has a special costume where he dresses up as Rocko.
Nicktoons: Freeze Frame Frenzy[]
Rocko appears in the background as a character who can be photographed. He is the only one from his show to appear in Nicktoons: Freeze Frame Frenzy.