Kronk is the secondary antagonist of Disney's 2000 animated feature film The Emperor's New Groove and the titular main protagonist of 2005's direct-to-video sequel Kronk's New Groove. Kronk often serves as Yzma's hapless henchman and a major component in her schemes to overthrow Emperor Kuzco. Though dim-witted, Kronk is genuinely good-hearted and friendly at his core.
Kronk appears as an assist character in Super Ultra All-Stars Battle Royale X as an assist character. When summoned, he will pull a lever that summons random effects:
- A trapdoor which opens in a random area, causing a string of damaging spikes to sprout in that location.
- A giant stone fist or a giant stone bust of Yzma's head that drops down on a fighter.
- A rain of banana peels, making the whole ground slippery.
- A magnet that pops out of the ground that pulls all fighters close to Kronk.
- A large barrier that enceases a fighter, which reflects all opposing projectiles.
- A cheerleading squad that raises the attack power of all fighters, or it can fully heal them.
Pull the lever, Kronk!....Which lever? It doesn't really matter. If you summon him in this game, he'll pull ALL the levers, knocking your foes over, tripping them, and even drawing them close to him. Kronk can also heal you and boost your attacks, but if he does, everyone else will too!