Cartoon Crossover Wiki
Hiro Mightypaw
Name Hiro Mightypaw
Show Monkey Quest
First Appearance "Monkey Quest" March 17, 2011
Sex Male
Species Monkey
Eye Color Amber
Hair Color Brown
Friends Monkey

Hiro Mightypaw is a mascot for Monkey Quest. He is now an actual player who sometimes plays. Hiro Mightypaw puts up various polls on the Monkey Quest Website. He has a slingshot and his famous bamboo staff. He is said to be a great warrior. He could be a relative of the Monkey King on acount that he is extremely skilled just like the Monkey King, and the Monkey King and Hiro both use the Bamboo Staff.

Nicktoons MLB[]

Hiro Mightypaw appears as a playable character in Nicktoons MLB. He was added along with Jimmy Neutron in the 3DS version of the game.


  • Slugger: ***
  • Pitching: ***
  • Changeup:**
  • Catching: ****