Fanboy & Chum Chum is a Nickelodeon American CGI animated television series produced by Frederator Studios and Nickelodeon Animation Studio and created by Eric Robles. It is based on a first episode/short from Frederator's Random! Cartoons called Fanboy. The series premiere drew 5.8 million viewers. The second episode was watched by 5.4 million viewers.
The theme song was written by Brad Joseph Breeck and performed by experimental punk band The Mae Shi. On Nickelodeon's upfront for the 2013-2014 season, it did not announce a 3rd season of Fanboy and Chum Chum.
Ultimate Nickelodeon Brawl Stars X[]
Kyle the Conjurer and Man-Arctica both appear as playable characters in the game. What their stories are is yet unknown. Man-Arctica's story could possibly involve him wanting to save his homeplace.
Fanboy appeared in the "Days of the Future Past" art, and was confirmed to be slain. Later was said that Chum Chum only had been apprehended.
Super Brawl[]
Fanboy has been in the Super Brawl games from the first till Super Brawl 3. Chum Chum would tag along with him during the fight. Later Chum Chum got added in Super Brawl 2 where Fanboy tagged him in battle. Kyle also was added in Super Brawl 2.
Yo, Boog and Oz also appear as background characters. Yo and Boog in the Frosty Mart and Oz in the Playground. There are also two stages called Playground (which replaced Playground in Super Brawl 2) and Fanlair.
Nicktoons MLB[]
Both Fanboy and Chum Chum appear as playable characters in Nicktoons MLB. There is a stage called Frosty Freeze Field to represent the show.