Dora the Explorer is an American animated television series created by Chris Gifford, Valerie Walsh, and Eric Weiner. Dora the Explorer became a regular series in 2000. The show is carried on the Nickelodeon cable television network, including the associated Nick Jr. channel. It aired on CBS until September 2006. A Spanish-dubbed version first aired as part of a Nick en español block on NBC Universal-owned Telemundo through September 2006; since April 2008, this version of the program has been carried on Univision as part of the Planeta U block.
Ultimate Nickelodeon Brawl Stars X[]
Dora Marquez appears as a playable character in Ultimate Nickelodeon Brawl Stars X along with her little friend Boots. It was said that Dora doesn't know what she is doing in the game and is oblivious of the danger around her. She also will make interactions with the player. It also was said that her friends and Swipper might appear too.
Diego also appeared in the "Days of the Future Past" art, where it was confirmed he was apprehended.