Back at the Barnyard is a Nickelodeon CGI animated show that is a spin-off from the 2006 film Barnyard. The debut series premiered on September 29, 2007 on Nickelodeon. The show is produced by Omation Animation Studio, in association with Nickelodeon Animation Studios. The show mainly features pop culture references and parodies for the entertainment of the show. In February 2008, Nickelodeon renewed the show for a second season consisting of 24 episodes. On January 22, 2010, Nickelodeon ordered 16 more episodes extending it to a third season. In March 2011, the show was in hiatus, due to the more recent Omation show "Planet Sheen" pausing production of "Back at the Barnyard" episodes. The hiatus stopped in August 2011 when they announced the remaining episodes would air starting on September 12, 2011.The final episode of the show aired on November 11, 2011, and was entitled "Aliens!". Reruns air on most Sundays at 6:00 on Nickelodeon. This is Steve Oedekerk's second animated series for Nickelodeon, as he was one of the executive producers of The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius.
Nicktoons: Attack of the Toybots[]
Otis appeared as a Master Model that you have to collect in the game. He only appears as a Master Model in the console and handheld version of Nicktoons: Attack of the Toybots.
Super Brawl[]
Otis appeared as a playable in all the Super Brawl games till Super Brawl 3 where he was cut from the roster. He has been a starter character from Jingle Brawl and on. He has two stages; Farm Road which has been in since Jingle Brawl, and Pumpkin Patch which only appeared in Super Fall Brawl. Abby and Pip appear in the backgroun of the Farm Road stage.