Cartoon Crossover Wiki
Alex Adventure logo-0

Alex Adventure is an American animated science fiction television series, created by Rob Renzetti for Nickelodeon. It was Nickelodeon's first animated science fiction fairy tale. The series follows the adventures of HA-9, better known as Alex Blackman, a 17 year old male robot designed to protect Earth, who is excessively addicted to teen-related activities, which are almost always interrupted by Susan Blackman, his mother and creator.

Nickelodeon debuted the first episode on August 1, 2003. After the series was cancelled, later episodes of the series started airing as "never before seen episodes" on Nicktoons Network. The series is distributed outside the United States by the Canadian animation studio, Nelvana Limited.

The first season is available on iTunes. All three seasons are now avalable on DVD at Amazon. It is also unknown if Shout! Factory will release Seasons 1-3 of the series.

Nicktoons: Attack of the Toybots[]

Alex appears as a playable unlockable character in Nicktoons: Attack of the Toybots. He appears playable in both the console and handheld version of the game. He fights by transforming his hands in giant spiked fists. In the console version he himself is the Master Model, but in the handheld version, Sumo is the Master Model.

Nicktoons: Freeze Frame Frenzy[]

Although Alex, or any other character from the show, appears as a playable character. There are several characters from the show spread throughout the game. They are (not counting Tak);
