Aaahh!!! Real Monsters is an American animated television series about adolescent monsters in training, developed by Klasky Csupo for Nickelodeon. The show ran for four seasons on Nickelodeon's main United States cable channel and was rerun on Nicktoons until 2006. The series is currently being released on DVD.
The show focuses on three young monsters — Ickis, Oblina and Krumm — who attend an institute for monsters under a city dump and learn to frighten humans. Many of the episodes revolve around them making it to the surface in order to perform "scares" as class assignments.
Nicktoons: Attack of the Toybots[]
Krumm appears as a Master Model that you have to collect in Nicktoons: Attack of the Toybots. He is the Master Model in both version of the game.
Ultimate Nickelodeon Brawl Stars X[]
The Gromble appears as a playable character in Ultimate Nickelodeon Brawl Stars X. His story involves showing the final boss who is the scariest around here. His battle style involves him transforming to a stronger and more frightning monster.
His Halloween costume is him wearing a mummy costume, which is originally made and not based off the show.
Nicktoons Racing[]
Ickis appears as a playable character in Nicktoons Racing. He is the only one representing his show. However Oblina and Krumm could be seen in the intro of the game. The show also has two tracks in the game; Race Madness and Monster Mania.